The sequel to the highly anticipated blockbuster film “Kick” has finally been confirmed. Producer Sajid Nadiadwala took to Instagram to share an official photo shoot update, confirming that Salman Khan will reprise his iconic role in “Kick 2.”
The original “Kick,” released in 2014, was a massive commercial success, captivating audiences with its thrilling action sequences and Salman Khan’s charismatic performance.
Sajid Nadiadwala, the mastermind behind the original film, shared a behind-the-scenes photo from the photo shoot for “Kick 2” from the set of Sikandar. The image featured Salman Khan looking sharp and intense, hinting at the action-packed adventure that awaits viewers.
The producer expressed his excitement about bringing “Kick 2” to life, stating, “The journey of ‘Kick’ has been extraordinary, and I’m thrilled to continue this adventure with the incredible team and the amazing Salman Khan. We’re working hard to create a film that will surpass the expectations of our fans.”
According to recent reports, the highly anticipated film “Kick 2” is expected to commence filming once the production of “Sikandar” is wrapped up.
Salman Khan another starrer “Sikandar” is currently in production. Once the filming for “Sikandar” is completed, the focus will shift to “Kick 2,” ensuring a smooth transition between the two projects.
The announcement of the filming schedule for “Kick 2” has further fuelled the excitement surrounding the film. Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the sequel, which is expected to be a blockbuster hit.
While specific details about the plot of “Kick 2” are still under wraps, fans can expect a thrilling continuation of the story. Salman Khan’s character, Devil, is known for his reckless and unpredictable nature, and the sequel is likely to feature even more daring stunts and high-octane action sequences.
The film is expected to hit theatres in the coming year, promising an exhilarating cinematic experience.