Bollywood’s renowned choreographer and director, Farah Khan and her brother Director Sajid Khan are mourning the loss of her beloved mother, Menaka Irani. Menaka Irani passed away on July 26, 2024, after a prolonged illness. She was 79.
Known for her vibrant personality, Menaka Irani was a pillar of strength for her family. Farah Khan often credited her mother for shaping her into who she is today. The loss has deeply impacted the entire family, plunging them into grief.
Menaka Irani, a former actor, was the sister of renowned child artists Daisy Irani and Honey Irani. After their father’s demise, she played a pivotal role in raising Farah and her brother, Sajid Khan. Her contribution to their upbringing is immeasurable.
Farah Khan shared the heartbreaking news with her fans and well-wishers. Condolences poured in from celebrities and fans, offering solace to the bereaved family.
The film industry stands joined together in grieving the misfortune of Menaka Irani. A few Bollywood A-listers gone by Farah Khan’s home to offer their condolences. The funeral was attended by close family and friends, who bid a tearful farewell to the departed soul.
Menaka Irani’s legacy as a strong and resilient woman will continue to inspire. Her memory will live on through the achievements of her children, Farah and Sajid Khan. The family requests privacy during this difficult time as they grieve the loss of their beloved matriarch.
May her soul rest in peace.