Yash Raj Films (YRF) has made a significant announcement on the 10th anniversary of the critically acclaimed film Mardaani. The production house has revealed that they are developing a third instalment in the popular franchise, titled Mardaani 3. The talented actress Rani Mukherji will once again feature the iconic character of Shivani Shivaji Roy.
Mardaani, which was released in 2014, introduced audiences to the fearless Shivani Shivaji Roy, an upright police officer who takes on a human trafficking ring. The film received widespread acclaim for its powerful narrative, strong performances, and social message. Its sequel, Mardaani 2, released in 2019, continued the story of Shivani as she confronted a dangerous juvenile criminal.
The announcement of Mardaani 3 has generated significant excitement among fans of the franchise. Rani Mukerji’s portrayal of Shivani Shivaji Roy has resonated with audiences, and her return to the role is eagerly anticipated. The actress has expressed her enthusiasm for reprising the iconic character and continuing the fight against injustice.
YRF has not disclosed many details about the plot of Mardaani 3 yet, but it is expected to continue the theme of female empowerment and social justice. The film will likely investigate modern challenges and threats faced by Shivani Shivaji Roy, exhibiting her faithful determination and courage.
The production team is currently working on the script and pre-production. The film is expected to go on floors later this year, with a release date yet to be announced.
The announcement of Mardaani 3 comes at a time when the franchise has gained significant popularity and recognition. The films have not only entertained audiences but have also raised awareness about important social issues. The upcoming instalment is expected to continue the legacy of the Mardaani series and deliver a powerful and impactful cinematic experience.
As fans eagerly await the release of Mardaani 3, the announcement serves as a reminder of the franchise’s enduring appeal and the importance of female-led action films. The film promises to be a thrilling and thought-provoking addition to the franchise.