Bollywood legend Govinda, 60, is currently recovering after an accidental gunshot wound at his Juhu residence earlier on 1st October. The actor, who was preparing for a morning flight to Kolkata for a scheduled performance, sustained a leg injury when a gun misfired, striking him below the knee. Govinda was immediately taken to Criticare Hospital, where he underwent surgery to remove the bullet. The incident has sparked concern among fans and the Bollywood fraternity, though the actor is expected to remain in the hospital for 3-4 days.
The Incident: Misfire at Govinda’s Juhu Home
The incident occurred just before Govinda was set to leave for Kolkata, where he was scheduled to perform at a show. According to the actor’s manager, Shashi Sinha, Govinda was in the final stages of preparing for the trip when the accident happened. They were having a 6 am flight to catch for a show in Kolkata. Govinda was about to leave his home when this unfortunate incident took place. The weapon, which was reportedly in the actor’s possession at his residence fell and misfired, causing the bullet to become lodged beneath his knee.
The quick response from his family and medical professionals helped avert a more severe outcome. Fortunately, the injury was limited to his leg, and the surgery to remove the bullet was successful. Govinda is now stable, though he will remain under observation in the hospital for several days.
Family’s Immediate Response
At the time of the incident, Govinda’s wife, Sunita Ahuja, was in Kolkata, already preparing for his performance. Govinda’s daughter, Tina Ahuja, was the first family member to arrive at Criticare Hospital to be by her father’s side, ensuring he received the care and support needed during the emergency.
Govinda himself contacted both his wife and his manager, Shashi Sinha, shortly after the incident, explaining the situation. The police were also notified, and within minutes of receiving the call, law enforcement arrived at the scene to begin an investigation.
Successful Surgery at Criticare Hospital
Upon arrival at Criticare Hospital, doctors swiftly assessed Govinda’s condition and determined that the bullet had become lodged beneath his knee. The actor was quickly taken into surgery, where medical professionals successfully removed the bullet. While the surgery was performed without complications, doctors advised that Govinda should stay under observation for 3-4 days to monitor his recovery and prevent potential complications.
His manager, Shashi Sinha, expressed relief that the injury was confined to the leg, stating, “It is a blessing that the injury was not more severe. We’re grateful to the doctors for their swift action.” Fans and well-wishers can take comfort in knowing that the actor is stable and on the path to recovery.
The Seizure of the Weapon and Police Investigation
Following the incident, Mumbai police quickly moved to seize the firearm involved in the misfire. The weapon is currently under forensic analysis to determine the exact cause of the misfire and whether any safety regulations were violated. At this point, no foul play is suspected, but authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to clarify how the accident occurred.
Given Govinda’s stature as a public figure, the incident has raised questions about the safety of firearms in residential areas. Police are expected to release an official statement once their investigation concludes.
As Govinda’s family stands by his side during his recovery, the nation is eagerly awaiting positive updates on his health. Fans and well-wishers alike look forward to seeing the Bollywood icon back in action soon, bringing joy to millions once again.