Fans and colleagues are in a state of worry as Gurucharan Singh, the former actor who brought the character of Roshan Singh Sodhi to life in the iconic sitcom Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (TMKOC), has been missing for the past four days. According to reports, Singh went missing from the Delhi airport on April 22nd.
His father, Harjit Singh, filed a missing person complaint with the Delhi police after Gurucharan neither reached his intended destination of Mumbai nor returned home. The news has come as a shock to many, leaving a cloud of uncertainty over the actor’s whereabouts.
A Well-Loved Character
Singh’s portrayal of the fun-loving mechanical engineer Sodhi was a fan favourite. He embodied the spirit of the Gokuldham society, known for his friendly banter and helpful nature. Singh left TMKOC in 2020 to focus on his family, particularly his father’s health concerns. However, his departure left a void in the show, and his character was eventually replaced.
The Search Begins
The Delhi police are currently investigating Singh’s disappearance. Details are scarce, but reports suggest he was travelling to Mumbai when he vanished. His phone and other belongings have not been located, making it difficult to track his movements.
A Difficult Time for the Family
This is undoubtedly a difficult time for Singh’s family. The uncertainty surrounding his disappearance is likely causing them immense stress. Hopefully, the police investigation will yield positive results soon and bring Singh home safely.
Hoping for the Best
The entire nation hopes for Gurucharan Singh’s safe return. His absence has left a gap not only in his family’s lives but also in the hearts of millions of TMKOC fans. We can only wait and see how the investigation unfolds and pray for a positive outcome.