Maddock Films, known for pioneering the horror-comedy genre in Bollywood, has announced an ambitious lineup of films that will expand their Horror Comedy Universe. The studio has strategically locked major festive and holiday weekends from 2025 to 2028, ensuring maximum buzz and box office impact. The announcement also revealed plans for an epic finale in 2028 with two mega films, Pehla Mahayudh and Dusra Mahayudh, uniting all the characters from Maddock’s Horror Comedy Universe.
Horror Comedy Universe of Maddock Films: A Blockbuster Schedule
Here’s the official release schedule of Maddock Films’ highly anticipated horror-comedy movies:
- Thama: Diwali 2025
- Shakti Shalini: 31st December 2025
- Bhediya 2: 14th August 2026 (Independence Day weekend)
- Chamunda: 4th December 2026
- Stree 3: 13th August 2027 (Independence Day weekend)
- Maha Munjya: 24th December 2027 (Christmas weekend)
- Pehla Mahayudh: 11th August 2028
- Dusra Mahayudh: 28th October 2028 (Diwali 2028)
Grand Finale: Pehla Mahayudh and Dusra Mahayudh
The highlight of Maddock’s announcement is undoubtedly the two-part finale, Pehla Mahayudh and Dusra Mahayudh. These films will serve as the ultimate showdown, bringing together all the iconic characters and superheroes from the Maddock Horror Comedy Universe. The studio aims to deliver a grand cinematic experience akin to global superhero franchises, marking a first for Indian cinema in this genre.
Legacy of Maddock Films in the Horror Comedy Genre
Maddock Films has been at the forefront of blending horror and comedy, starting with the massive success of Stree. Over the years, the studio has expanded its universe with hits like Bhediya and Roohi, each introducing new characters and interlinking narratives. The announcement of this meticulously planned schedule further cements Maddock’s position as a trailblazer in this genre.
Why This Matters
Maddock’s strategic scheduling of major festive and holiday weekends underscores the studio’s confidence in its projects. These dates, historically associated with big box-office successes, indicate the scale and ambition of the upcoming films. Additionally, the interconnected universe and planned finale align with global trends, offering Indian audiences a unique cinematic experience.
Maddock Films’ announcement marks a significant milestone for Bollywood, showcasing the potential of Indian cinema to create expansive, interconnected universes. With a stellar lineup of films, an epic finale, and an ever-growing fan base, Maddock is set to redefine the horror-comedy genre. Mark your calendars for these exciting releases, and get ready to embark on a thrilling journey through Maddock’s Horror Comedy Universe!