The Bollywood industry was left in shock and disbelief as news of the tragic demise of Anil Mehta, the father of renowned actress Malaika Arora, surfaced on Wednesday. Reports indicate that Anil Mehta took his own life by jumping from the sixth floor of their family residence in Bandra, Mumbai. The incident occurred around 10:30 AM at Ayesha Manor, a residential building in Bandra West.
The news of Anil Mehta’s passing sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, prompting an outpouring of grief and condolences from friends, colleagues, and fans. Many expressed their disbelief and sorrow, offering their support to Malaika Arora and her family during this difficult time.
Malaika Arora was in Pune when she received the tragic news of her father’s passing. She immediately rushed back to Mumbai to be with her family during this difficult time.
As soon as news of the tragedy spread, several Bollywood celebrities visited Malaika Arora’s residence to offer their condolences and be there for her. Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora’s ex-husband Arbaaz Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and other prominent figures in the industry were among those who paid their respects.
The circumstances surrounding Anil Mehta’s suicide remain unclear, and investigations into the incident are ongoing. While the exact reasons for his tragic decision are unknown, the loss of a loved one is undoubtedly a devastating event for any family.
Malaika Arora, known for her graceful dance moves, glamorous appearances, and successful career, has been a prominent figure in the Bollywood industry for many years. Her father’s untimely death is a significant loss not only for her but also for the entire entertainment community.
As the industry mourns the loss of Anil Mehta, many are hoping for strength and solace for Malaika Arora and her family during this challenging period.