Akshay Kumar’s much-anticipated Marathi debut film, “Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat,” has reportedly hit a snag in its production. The historical drama featuring Akshay Kumar portraying the revered Maratha emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj has seemingly stalled filming due to budgetary constraints.
The news comes as a disappointment to fans who were eagerly waiting to see Kumar in a Marathi film for the first time. Back in November 2022, the announcement of the project created a stir. A short teaser featuring Kumar in royal attire as Shivaji Maharaj garnered significant interest, with the film slated for a Diwali 2023 release.
However, reports suggest that the shooting of the film, directed by Mahesh Manjrekar, has been halted midway. According to sources close to the project, producer Vaseem Qureshi is facing significant financial hurdles. While concrete figures haven’t been disclosed, industry insiders speculate that the film’s grand historical setting and action sequences might have contributed to exceeding the initial budget.
It’s important to note that around 50% of the film’s shooting was reportedly completed before the halt. Akshay Kumar, who has a guest appearance in the film, had already shot for his portions spread across three days. The remaining shoot involved the principal cast, including Pravin Tarde, Hardeek Joshi, Vishal Nikam, Jay Dudhane, Utkarsha Shinde, and Virat Madke, who portray the seven valiant warriors the title refers to.
The news of the production halt has cast uncertainty over the film’s future. While there’s no official confirmation from the makers, questions regarding the film’s completion and release date remain unanswered. Here’s a breakdown of the situation and potential scenarios:
- Resolving Budget Issues: The most optimistic outcome would be for the producers to secure additional funding to resume filming. This could involve approaching new investors or studios to bridge the budget gap. However, securing substantial funding might be a challenge, especially in the current economic climate.
- Scaling Down Production: Another possibility is that the makers might consider scaling down the film’s production value. This could involve adjusting sets, costumes, or even the action sequences to fit a revised budget. However, such changes might affect the film’s visual grandeur and overall quality.
- Project Shelving: In the worst-case scenario, financial constraints might force the complete shelving of the project. This would be a significant setback for all involved, especially for the Marathi film industry, which was looking forward to a high-profile Bollywood star like Kumar headlining a historical epic.
The current situation surrounding “Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat” highlights the challenges faced by regional language films, particularly those with ambitious historical narratives. While Bollywood big-budget productions enjoy easier access to funding, regional cinema often struggles to secure sufficient financial backing to bring grand visions to life.
The film also served as a potential bridge between Bollywood and Marathi cinema. The involvement of Akshay Kumar, along with the historical theme, had the potential to draw in a wider audience, both nationally and internationally. The film’s fate now rests on the producer’s ability to navigate the financial roadblock and find a way to complete the project.