Varun Dhawan sent fans into a tizzy by sharing a clip from the post-credits scene of the recently released horror-comedy film “Munjya.” The scene features Dhawan himself and has sparked speculation about a potential crossover between the worlds of “Munjya” and Dhawan’s previous supernatural thriller, “Bhediya.”
Varun Dhawan, who played the werewolf-like creature Bhaskar in “Bhediya,” took to social media to promote “Munjya” while subtly hinting at a connection. “Congratulations to team #MUNJYA for the massive success,” he wrote. “#BHEDIYA milna chaiye ga aap se [Bhediya wants to meet you all] don’t miss the post credit.”
The brief clip shows a tense scene set in a jungle. A frantic Janardan, played by Abhishek Banerjee, calls out amidst a suspenseful soundtrack. Suddenly, a dishevelled Bhaskar emerges from behind a rock, completely naked and covered in leaves. He sheepishly asks Janardan for help, who throws some clothes in his direction.
One of the discarded pieces of clothing catches the eye –underwear with the name “Munni” written on it. This seemingly insignificant detail has fans theorizing about a possible link between the vengeful spirit Munjya from the film and Bhaskar’s journey in “Bhediya 2.”
Theories about a shared universe between “Bhediya” and “Munjya” were already swirling before the post-credits scene. Sharvari Wagh, who starred in “Munjya,” previously shared a photo with Dhawan captioned, “Bhediya wants to know who is #Munjya’s Munni.”
Adding fuel to the fire, Aditya Sarpotdar, the director of “Munjya,” hinted at potential connections between his film and a larger universe.
“Stree,” released in 2018, was another horror-comedy featuring supernatural elements. The film, directed by Amar Kaushik who also helmed “Bhediya,” garnered critical acclaim and box office success. Fans eagerly anticipate a sequel or a cinematic universe that connects these films.
While there has been no official confirmation from Maddock Films, the production house behind both films, the buzz surrounding a potential “Bhediya 2” has certainly reached a fever pitch. Varun Dhawan’s playful social media post has ignited a spark of excitement, leaving fans eagerly waiting for any further developments.
This unexpected development has not only brought renewed attention to “Munjya” but has also reignited the anticipation for Varun Dhawan’s return as the ferocious Bhediya. Whether the post-credits scene is a clever marketing ploy or a genuine tease for a larger cinematic universe, one thing is certain – it has successfully captured the imagination of the audience and left them wanting more.